Educational Background

Bachelors of Commerce

Marketing and International Business 

Concordia University - Montreal, QC 

08/2020 - 12/2023

During my university years, I embarked on a transformative journey of personal and academic growth. The diverse range of courses I pursued not only deepened my knowledge in my major but also broadened my perspectives on various subjects such as finance, accounting, and supply chain management. Multiple courses gave me the opportunity to work along side fellow students allowing me to develop leadership and team work skills fostering a sense of community and connections. 

Diploma of Collegial Studies

Social Sciences with Math 

Vanier College - Montreal, QC 

08/2018 - 05/2020

Vanier College was the time of exciting new beginnings and self discovery. I explored my academic interests and found a passion through marketing. I had the opportunity to take on more responsibilities which enticed the growth of my independence. Balancing academics with extracurricular and volunteer involvement allowed me to develop time management skills and a deeper understanding of my strengths in order to continue succeeding throughout my journey.

High School Diploma

High Sciences and Math

École Secondaire Saint Laurent - Montreal, QC

08/2014 - 06/2018

After completing my primary school education, I made a deliberate choice to pursue my high school diploma in a French-speaking institution. This decision compelled me to immerse myself in a new linguistic and cultural environment, necessitating the acquisition of the French language from its foundational elements. This endeavor presented a unique opportunity for personal and academic growth as it required me to venture beyond my comfort zone. Adapting to a different educational system and language not only enhanced my linguistic proficiency but also instilled qualities such as resilience, adaptability, and cross-cultural competency.